Privacy policy

Privacy Policy |

Information regarding the collection of data from the data subject.

We take the protection of our clients’ personal data seriously and are committed to providing it at the appropriate level. These rules describe what customer data is collected as part of the website by Artur Romanik, who runs a business under the name Euro Artur Romanik, ul. Kobielska 23, 04-359 Warszawa, NIP: 5342078947, REGON 360029387, adres e-mail:, telefon: +48 22 414 44 64 and how we protect and process your personal data.

In connection with the application on 25 May 2018 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing the Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter: “Regulation”, also commonly known as “GDPR”) we inform that from 25 May 2018, you have the following rights related to the processing of your personal data by us. At the same time, pursuant to art. 13 of the Regulation, we inform that from 25 May 2018 the following information and rules related to the processing of your personal data are current. From this date, the Regulation is directly applicable in Poland.


1. Personal data Controller.
2. Purposes and basics of processing.
3. Which data should be provided to us?
4. Data recipients.
5. Transfer of data to third countries or international organizations.
6. Data storage period.
7. Your rights.
8. Information on the requirement / voluntariness of data provision.
9. Information about the change of the purpose of data processing by the Controller.
10. Consent.

1. Personal data Controller.

Your personal data Controller is Artur Romanik, who runs a business under the business name Euro Artur Romanik ul. Kobielska 23, 04-359 Warszawa, NIP: 5342078947, REGON 360029387, adres e-mail:, telefon: +48 22 414 44 64 (hereinafter : „Old-cash”). This means that as a Controller we are responsible for their use in a secure manner, in accordance with applicable law.

2. Purposes and basics of processing

Old-casch processes your personal data (obtained during registration on the Website made in order to conclude the Agreement and during its duration) for the following purposes:
a) in order to conclude and perform the Agreement and take action before the conclusion of the Agreement on the basis of your interest in our Website (basis from Article 6 paragraph 1 point b) of the Regulation);
b) in order to fulfill the legal obligation incumbent on us as the Controller (the basis from Article 6 (1) (c) of the Regulation) – this purpose is related to the legal obligations of storing specific documents for the time specified in legal regulations, e.g. Art. 74 (2) points 1-8 of the Accounting Act of 29.09.1994 (Journal of Laws of 2017 item 1858); Art. 86 (1 & 2) of the Act of 29 August 1997 – Tax Code (Journal of Laws No. 137 (926).
c) for archival (evidential) purposes to secure information in the event of a legal need to prove facts, which is our legitimate interest (the basis of Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR Regulation);
d) in order to possibly determine, investigate or defend against claims, which is our legitimate interest (the basis of Article 6 (1) (f) of the Regulation);
e) for a specific purpose based on your consent to the processing of personal data for one or more purposes (basis from Article 6 (1) (a) of the Regulation) – if you agree to the use of your data, the content of this consent will specify for what specific purpose we will process this data.

Please be advised that for the purposes indicated above, we will not perform profiling, i.e. automated analysis of your data or develop predictions about preferences or future behaviors (profiling means, e.g. in the case of marketing profiling, determining which offer you may be most interested in based on the previous choices taken). If you change your decision regarding profiling, you will be informed of the above by supplementing of this information and sending it to the e-mail address you provided.

3. Which data should we provide? What data do we collect?

To register as part of the Website and conclude the Agreement, we require your provision of the data indicated in the Registration Form (if you do not provide it, we will not conclude the Agreement). In addition, we can ask for optional data that does not affect the conclusion of the Agreement (if we do not receive them, we will not be able, e.g., to send Newsletter or contact you by phone).
During the term of the Agreement, by providing services, we come into possession of your other data. The appearance of your personal data with us is a consequence of the operation of our services you use (e.g. data about orders placed).
By concluding the Agreement or during the term of the Agreement, you can additionally, e.g. order services not covered by the Agreement so far. If this requires the use of your data in a way different than described in this document, we will fill in the missing information and provide it, if possible, before obtaining the data. In all other respects, the information on data processing contained in this document will remain valid.
– Current and previous order statuses with time determination when the order status has been updated: pending / processing / completing / order divergence / suspension of execution.
– Surname (s) of Old-cash employees who process your order (s).
– All messages sent by Old-cash employees regarding your order.
– Currency exchange results and discrepancy descriptions, if any.
– Tracking and delivery status information if you used the correct delivery method.
– All information contained in the order or shipment.
– If your payment method is a bank transfer and your bank account is located outside Poland, we may ask you about your date of birth. We will only do this if the receiving bank needs the sender’s date of birth to process the payment.
We collect the following data for orders, both online and submitted through a paper form:
– Preferred currency for cash payments
– Amount after conversion into the selected currency
– First name
– Surname
– Address
– E-mail address
– Preferred method for cash payments

Payment Details

If the method of payment is a direct bank transfer: bank account details
If the method of payment is paypal: e-mail address for paypal

Additional information we may need

– Scans / photocopies if ID card
– Information about the real beneficiary of funds
– Information on the origin of funds
– Information on persons / organizations associated with the beneficiary
– Information on whether the beneficiary is a person in a political position or is on the list of persons subject to financial / targeted sanctions.

4. Data recipients

In connection with the processing of data for the purposes indicated in point 2 of this document, your personal data may be disclosed to other recipients or categories of recipients of personal data. The recipients of your data may be:
a) Entities that process your personal data on behalf of Old-cash based on the Agreement concluded with us as the Controller of entrusting agreement for the processing of personal data (the so-called processing entities). These will be: our business advisors, marketing entities, agents, accountants, IT specialists, archiving companies, IT services, HR service, trainers, entities granting licenses for the use of computer programs, entities providing disk space on the network, couriers);
b) your advisers, as a data subject,
c) people close to you,
d) recipients in a third country or international organization, if we decide to do so;
e) other entities covered by the agreement for the provision of services (the Agreement concluded with you as a Customer);
f) entities related to us as part of a capital group.

5. Transfer of data to third countries and international organizations

We do not transfer your data outside of Poland, the European Union and the European Economic Area (including the European Union, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland). But it may turn out that during the term of the Agreement we will decide to transfer data outside the EEA – only to the extent permitted by law. This transfer will only occur if the third country ensures adequate protection of your personal data. You will be notified by e-mail or phone about this situation. In the event of transferring your personal data to a third country that has not been recognized by the European Commission as a country providing an adequate level of protection, we will ask you for explicit consent to such transfer, notifying you of the prior risk associated with such transfer pursuant to art. 40 (1) (a) of the Regulation.

6. Data storage period.

Your personal data will be processed for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of processing indicated in point 2, i.e.
a) in the scope of implementation of the Agreement concluded by you with Old-cash, for a period until its completion, and after that:
– for the period required by law, e.g. for storing specific accounting records and specific data in accordance with tax regulations;
– for a period arising from Old-cash’s legitimate interests (i.e. the limitation period to secure any claims),
b) in the scope of fulfilling legal obligations incumbent on Old-cash in connection with conducting business and implementation of concluded Agreements, for the period specified by law until the fulfillment of these obligations by Old-cash;
c) in the scope of internal administrative purposes, for a period until the fulfillment of legally justified Old-cash interests constituting the basis of this processing or until you object to such processing;
d) in the scope of marketing and promotion of services offered by us as an Controller – for the period to object to data processing;
e) in the scope of consent – until its withdrawal.

7. Your rights

In connection with the processing of your personal data by Old-cash, you are entitled to:
a) the right to access your data and receive a copy thereof – art. 15 of the Regulation;
b) the right to rectify (correct) your data – art. 16 of the Regulation;
c) the right to delete data (if you think there are no grounds for us to process your data, you can request that we delete it) – art. 17 of the Regulation;
d) the right to limit the processing of data (you can request that we limit the processing of your personal data only to their storage or performance of activities agreed with you, if you believe we have incorrect data about you or we process it unjustifiably; or you do not want us to delete it, because you need it to establish, pursue or defend your claims; or for the duration of your objection to data processing) -art. 18 of the Regulation;
e) the right to transfer data: you have the right to receive from us in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format (e.g. “.csv” format) your personal data which we possess under the Agreement or your consent. You can request us to send this data directly to another entity – Art. 20 of the Regulation;
f) the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory entity (if you believe that we are processing your data unlawfully, you can file a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (being the successor of the General Inspector for Personal Data Protection);
g) the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data (at any time you have the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data that we process based on your consent) – art. 7 (3) of the Regulation. Withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing that was carried out on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent occurs by sending an email to: :

Notwithstanding the rights listed above, you can object to the processing of your data (including profiling, if any) at any time for the purposes of direct marketing – Art. 21 of the Regulation. After accepting the application in this matter, we are obliged to cease processing data for this purpose. In special situations, you can object to the processing of your personal data by us at any time (including profiling, if any), if the basis for the use of the data is our legitimate interest or public interest – Art. 21 of the Regulation. In such a situation, after examining your application, we will no longer be able to process the personal data subject to objection on this basis, unless we prove that there are:
a) important legitimate grounds for data processing, which according to the law are considered superior to your interests, rights and freedom;
b) grounds for establishing, pursuing or defending claims;

8. Information on the requirement / voluntariness of data provision

To the extent that the processing of your data takes place in order to conclude and implement the Agreement with Old-cash, providing your data is a condition for the conclusion of this Agreement. Providing data is voluntary, however, the consequence of not providing such data will be the impossibility to conclude and implement this Agreement.

9. Information about the change of the purpose of data processing by the Controller.

If Old-cash decides to process your personal data for a purpose other than the purpose for which the personal data was collected, we will notify you about such other purpose and provide all other relevant information before such further processing.

10. Consent

If our use of your data is not necessary for the performance of the Agreement, fulfillment of a legal obligation, or does not constitute our legitimate interest, we may ask for your consent to use your data for the specific purposes. Such consent may enable, for example, sharing data with other entities for the purposes of their promotional campaigns or automatic decision making based on your data and at your request, or contact you by phone / email to provide information on the implementation of the Agreement. You can withdraw your consent at any time (this will not affect the lawfulness of the use of your data before such consent was withdrawn). The consent is withdrawn by means of relevant information in accordance with point 7 (g) of this document.